Princeton University
Classical approach to testing mediation (Baron and Kenny)
Bootstrapped approach to testing mediation (preferred approach)
Other models:
Multiple mediators
Within-subject mediation
Does study time mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and exam scores?
Predicting the outcome from the predictor variable
X -> M
a path
Predicting the outcome from both the predictor variable and the mediator
b path
c’ (c-prime) path
Traditionally, to show mediation ALL these conditions must be met:
X must significantly predict Y in Step 1
X must significantly predict M in Step 2
M must significantly predict Y controlling for X in Step 3
The effect of X on Y must be reduced in Step 4
If X is no longer significant, you have “full mediation”
If X is still significant, then you have “partial mediation”
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 4.57 | 0.539 | 8.48 | 2.5e-15 |
-0.661 | 0.128 | -5.16 | 5.15e-07 |
The c path (total effect): X --> Y:
\(b = -0.66, t(237) = -5.16, p < .001\)
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | 2.45 | 0.41 | 5.97 | 8.43e-09 |
-0.211 | 0.0973 | -2.17 | 0.0313 |
The a path: X --> M:
\(b = -0.21, t(237) = -2.16, p = .031\)
Add in the b (M –> Y) and c’ (direct) paths: X + M --> Y
c’ Path: \(b = -0.61, t(237) = -4.77, p < .001\)
b Path: \(b = 0.26, t(237) = 3.09, p = .002\)
Facebook usage negatively impacts exam scores (c path = -.66)
Facebook time negatively impacts previous study time (a path = -.21)
Controlling for Facebook time, previous experience positively impacts exam scores (b path = .26)
Controlling for previous studying, Facebook time negatively impacts exam scores (c’ path = -0.61)
So, did mediation happen? Is a change from 0.66 to 0.61 important?
The Aroian Test:
\[Z = \frac{a \times b}{\sqrt{b^2 \times SE_a^2 + a^2 \times SE_b^2 + SE_a^2 \times SE_b^2}}\]
Sobel | Aroian | Goodman |
-1.77 | -1.71 | -1.84 |
0.0761 | 0.0864 | 0.0658 |
Z = -1.71, p = .09
It is not!
Testing significance of indirect effect (a x b)
\[\begin{align*} \hat{z}_0 &= \Phi^{-1}\Bigg(\frac{1}{B}\sum_i \hat{\theta}^*_i < \hat\theta \Bigg) \end{align*}\]
\[\begin{align*} \hat{a} &= \frac{\sum_i (\bar{\theta}^{-i} - \hat{\theta}^{-i} )^3 }{6 \cdot \big[\sum_i (\bar{\theta}^{-i} - \hat{\theta}^{-i} )^2 \big]^{3/2}} \end{align*}\]
The MeMoBootR package (developed by Erin Buchanon) gives you data screening, each step of the mediation, and the bootstrapping results!
For each of our stages of mediation, you can print out the models:
- Next, you can get the Sobel test results:
Last, let’s get the bootstrapped results:
The indirect effect would be reported as: $0.05, 95\% CI[-0.1782, -0.0067 ]$
Returns normal cis (adding bca)
Incorporates easystats
Test of mediation (simple mediation)
- IV: facebook
- DV: exam
- M: previous
==== ============== ===== =======================
Path Point estimate SE APA
==== ============== ===== =======================
a -0.211 0.097 t(237) = 2.17, p = .031
b 0.260 0.084 t(236) = 3.09, p = .002
c -0.661 0.128 t(237) = 5.16, p < .001
c' -0.606 0.127 t(236) = 4.77, p < .001
==== ============== ===== =======================
Indirect effect index:
Indirect effect index is not computed by default.
Please use add_index() to compute it.
Fitted models:
- X -> Y
- X -> M
- X + M -> Y
# Testing Indirect Effect with `JSmediation`
model_fit_with_index <- add_index(mediation_fit)
Test of mediation (simple mediation)
- IV: facebook
- DV: exam
- M: previous
==== ============== ===== =======================
Path Point estimate SE APA
==== ============== ===== =======================
a -0.211 0.097 t(237) = 2.17, p = .031
b 0.260 0.084 t(236) = 3.09, p = .002
c -0.661 0.128 t(237) = 5.16, p < .001
c' -0.606 0.127 t(236) = 4.77, p < .001
==== ============== ===== =======================
Indirect effect index:
- type: Indirect effect
- point estimate: -0.0547
- confidence interval:
- method: Monte Carlo (5000 iterations)
- level: 0.05
- CI: [-0.126; -0.00442]
Fitted models:
- X -> Y
- X -> M
- X + M -> Y
Test the influence of multiple mediator
Specific indirect effect
X -> M_1 -> Y
X -> M_2 -> Y
Total indirect effect
multipleMediation <- '
bmi ~ b1 * tvhours + b2 * cellhours + cp * age
tvhours ~ a1 * age
cellhours ~ a2 * age
# indirect 1
indirect1 := a1 * b1
# indirect 2
indirect2 := a2 * b2
# total
total := cp + (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2)
total_indirect := (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2)
#prob mediated
prop_med_1 := indirect1 / (indirect1+cp)
prop_med_2 := indirect2 / (indirect2+cp)
prop_med := total_indirect /(total_indirect+cp)
cellhours ~~ tvhours
fit <- sem(model = multipleMediation, data = weight_behavior, se = "bootstrap", bootstrap = 500)
# you should run 5000-10000 bootstraps
lavaan 0.6.15 ended normally after 19 iterations
Estimator ML
Optimization method NLMINB
Number of model parameters 9
Number of observations 543
Model Test User Model:
Test statistic 0.000
Degrees of freedom 0
Parameter Estimates:
Standard errors Bootstrap
Number of requested bootstrap draws 500
Number of successful bootstrap draws 499
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
bmi ~
tvhours (b1) 0.120 0.125 0.955 0.340 -0.119 0.367
cellhours (b2) 0.217 0.126 1.727 0.084 -0.030 0.461
age (cp) 0.026 0.134 0.191 0.848 -0.332 0.204
tvhours ~
age (a1) 0.017 0.041 0.420 0.674 -0.074 0.094
cellhours ~
age (a2) 0.041 0.068 0.599 0.549 -0.034 0.252
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
.tvhours ~~
.cellhours 0.473 0.075 6.265 0.000 0.316 0.618
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
.bmi 15.273 1.535 9.952 0.000 12.353 18.371
.tvhours 1.883 0.073 25.776 0.000 1.737 2.017
.cellhours 1.512 0.092 16.436 0.000 1.313 1.690
Defined Parameters:
Estimate Std.Err z-value P(>|z|) ci.lower ci.upper
indirect1 0.002 NA -0.014 0.016
indirect2 0.009 NA -0.008 0.069
total 0.037 NA -0.308 0.223
total_indirect 0.011 NA -0.010 0.071
prop_med_1 0.074 NA -0.661 0.595
prop_med_2 0.257 NA -1.712 2.036
prop_med 0.299 NA -2.017 2.142
Mediation when X is a within-subject variable
Dohle and Siegrist (2014, Exp 1)
Interested in the effect of name complexity on buying drugs
\[ Y_{2i} - Y_{1i} = c_{11} \]
with Y2i−Y1i the difference score between DV conditions for the outcome variable for the ith observation
\[ M_{2i}-M_{1i} = a_{21} \]
with \(M_{2i}\)−$M1_{1i}$ the difference score between DV conditions for the mediator variable for the ith observation,
\[ Y_{2i} - Y_{1i} = c'_{31} + b_{32}(M_{2i}-M_{1i}) + d_{33}[0.5(M_{2i}+M_{1i}) - 0.5(\bar{M_1}+ M_2})] \] Where we have the mediator diff and mean_diff
Test of mediation (within-participant_mediation)
- IV: name (difference: simple - complex)
- DV: willingness
- M: hazardousness
==== ============== ===== ======================
Path Point estimate SE APA
==== ============== ===== ======================
a -0.800 0.258 t(21) = 3.10, p = .005
b -0.598 0.113 t(19) = 5.29, p < .001
c 0.564 0.193 t(21) = 2.92, p = .008
c' 0.085 0.158 t(19) = 0.54, p = .596
==== ============== ===== ======================
Indirect effect index:
- type: Within-participant indirect effect
- point estimate: 0.479
- confidence interval:
- method: Monte Carlo (5000 iterations)
- level: 0.05
- CI: [0.158; 0.88]
Fitted models:
- 1 -> DV_diff
- 1 -> M_diff
- 1 + M_diff + M_mean -> DV_diff
What it is: A method for testing hypotheses about why x predicts y
When you use it:
Whenever you would start using words like “because” in your introduction section; it tests “how” and “why” questions
Whether there is a basic relationship between x and y or not
Best approach*:
a, b paths
Direct effect (c’)
Total effect (c)
Indirect effect
Sobel/Arioan, Bootstrapping (# bootstrapped samples)
Figure of path diagram
Include all indirect effects
Total indirect effect
Proportion mediated
PSY 504: Advanced Statistics